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InnoClub meets with NSW Opposition Minister for Veteran Affairs

Simon Nardo

Greg Warren MP served 8 years in the Australian Army, undertaking a diverse range of roles.

Leaving his home town of Dubbo, NSW at 17, Mr Warren would serve as a marksman, radio operator, rifleman, transport operator, instructor and complete more than 100 jumps as a paratrooper before discharging to work in the transport field.

InnoClub's co-founder Chris North and Entrepreneur Program Manager Tim Lewis, with NSW Opposition Minister for Veteran Affairs, Greg Warren in his parliamentary office.

Prior to entering the NSW Parliament, Mr Warren served as a Councillor, Deputy Mayor and Mayor on Camden Council. In his current capacity as the Member for Campbelltown, Mr Warren also acts as the Shadow Minister for Local Government, Veteran Affairs and Western Sydney.

It was in these capacities that InnoClub Co Founder, Chris North, and Program Manager, Tim Lewis, met with Mr Warren to share with him the work that InnoClub is doing, and to understand more about how the NSW Opposition's policies will benefit the Veteran and First Responder communities in the lead up to the March 2023 state election.

With respect to Veteran issues, InnoClub believes that addressing the challenges that current and former serving personnel and their families face is not solely an Australian Defence Force or Department of Veteran Affairs responsibility. Nor is support for the First Responder community solely a state matter.

Veterans and First Responders are a part of every local community. As a result, InnoClub believes the best way to provide support is for all three levels of Government to work in unison, with other community based organisations.

With every Council in Australia having resources to support economic development and community engagement, Local Government has the potential to play a greater role in supporting Veterans and First Responders. This is particularly important during their transition from their service into civilian roles.

InnoClub has established Australia's first Veteran and First Responder transition education and business hub, centred around a community Club. Equipped with all the necessary facilities required to support a start up or small business, from meeting rooms to podcasting studios, this dedicated space sits in the heart of Western Sydney at Chester Hill RSL.

Mr Warren recognised the value of what is being provided within the Veteran and First Responder communities, saying "Organisations like InnoClub do a great job providing that vital support ... at a time they need it most."

In aligning with InnoClub's view that better supporting the Veteran and First Responder communities required an all-of-Government approach, Mr Warren committed to facilitating meetings with his relevant Shadow Ministry colleagues in the New Year, including Opposition Leader, Chris Minns.

To remain across the work that InnoClub is doing to represent the Veteran and First Responder communities, or to have input into these and other stakeholder representations, make sure you follow us via our Facebook and Linkedin social channels.

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