Application for VET-1 scholarship
Sunday 23 March – Monday 24 March, 2025
Frontline Labs is funded by private organisations, allowing us to support participants from the veteran-community to join our VET courses with minimal cost to them.
This scholarship is for participants attending the Frontline Labs VET-1 Residential Day in Sydney on 24 March 2025.
It is open to interstate participants and those outside of the Sydney commute area (IntraCity transport network).
It provides recovery of costs incurred by Frontline Labs, and there is no unspent funding or funding credit to the participant.
Travel Options
This scholarship covers:
AIR TRAVEL: return flight to Sydney Domestic Airport from the participant’s nearest airport only.
Flights are booked with our travel partner at the lowest (direct preferred) fare available to ensure the participant’s arrival to Sydney by late-morning or mid-afternoon of the day prior to our Residential Day. The return flight is booked for the same evening of our Residential Day.
NOTE: Any change or special requests to flight details which increases the price of fares requires that participants cover the additional cost and pay the difference to our travel agent at the time of booking.
TRAIN TRAVEL: return train fare to Sydney Central Station from the participant’s nearest train station only.
Trains are booked directly by the participant at the lowest (direct preferred) fare available to ensure the participant’s arrival to Sydney by late-morning or mid-afternoon of the day prior to our Residential Day. The return trip should be booked for the same evening of our Residential Day.
The cost is reimbursed to the participant via bank transfer from our Finance Department within 7-days of presentation of receipt and required information.
PARKING: car park fees near/at the hotel only.
Car park arrangements are made from 12noon of the day prior to our Residential Day, until 7pm of the day of our Residential Day.
Where possible, the booking will be made by us. However, if it is more practical for the booking to be made and paid for by the participant, then the cost is reimbursed to the participant via bank transfer from our Finance Department within 7-days of presentation of receipt and required information.
This scholarship covers overnight accommodation booked with our hotel partner for a single-person room on the night prior to our Residential Day only.
Financial Responsibility of Participants
Except for approved travel and accommodation (as per items 4-7 above), participants are responsible for all other driving, parking, transfers, public transport, meals, and incidental costs incurred.
Any changes or cancellations made by the participant to the bookings, including additional travel, time extensions, failing to board, and other actions which result in their inability to use their booking as intended and therefore causing Frontline Labs to forfeit the funds spent on their travel, accommodation, and/or parking must be reimbursed by the participant, at cost, to Frontline Labs within 14-days, except in instances with extenuating circumstances.
If you agree and commit with the above, please complete your details to apply for a scholarship:
Mode of travel requested:
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